Archive for the ‘The Realtor Success Series’ Category
Some very nice stuff here:
Tuesday, February 25th, 2020The Conditions of Existence
Wednesday, November 20th, 2019The Truth About Goals
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019Joshua Smith Interviews Me
Thursday, July 2nd, 2015Seminar – The Two Types of People
Friday, January 3rd, 2014This seminar contains the most vital, high impact and important information I know.
Here is the link to the booklet:
Here is the link to the YouTube video:
Happy New Year?
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014Earth made the full trip around the sun. 365 revolutions of the earth. And we are supposed to “make new decisions” about the time it will take for the earth’s next full trip around?
What was wrong with our old decisions? Didn’t yours all happen the way you decided? I know mine sure didn’t. Not even close. The sudden changes in the market stood many predictions on their heads. An awful 1st quarter, a decent 2nd quarter and a mediocre 3rd and 4th quarter for us – we wound up 2013 closing 342 transactions. But congratulations are not in order – as that is down from our 435 closed transactions for 2012. Oddly enough, our annual sales volume ($63,973,603.) didn’t suffer, in fact it was up by almost a million dollars – due to prices being higher than in 2012.
We hope it is happy.
Happy = Fun!
Happy = It went like we wanted and planned.
For the record I am planning on doubling the amount of business in 2014 we did in 2013. I am no longer trying to figure out HOW to generate buyer sides, thanks to finally having that crazy making issue resolved thanks to my Real Estate Webmasters site ( So we have added 2 buyer agents (for a total of 6) and hitting 200 closed buyer deals in 2014 is no longer a pipe dream. That now solved – along with the market shift back to “traditional sellers”, we can once again make lead generation for sellers our primary focus and have our (considerable) marketing dollars have a huge impact (regardless of the now numerous local copycats). The new radio ad is done. The new TV ad will be done early this month. Our staff is fully groomed to provide an even higher quality level of service so the experience our clients have will create more raving fans.
Some of you felt battered in 2013. I did too. It is just part of the deal. If you don’t ever want to get hit, don’t get in the ring. This is going to be a GREAT year. Won’t you join me?
Realtor Success Seminar – The Conditions
Monday, August 19th, 2013Find Out Why – Achieving Your Goals
Tuesday, July 9th, 2013Here is the entire seminar
And here is the handout
Tone Scale Seminar for Agents
Tuesday, May 28th, 2013Here is a video link for a seminar I gave to agents. It is just under 90 minutes long. It is a remarkable tool for predicting the behavior of others. I think you will really like it.
Here is the link to the booklet I passed out: The Emotional Tone Scale
What is your time worth?
Thursday, September 13th, 2012If you are a working Realtor and want to “give yourself a raise” this short post is for you.
There are many many “things which must be done” in your business. Many. To skip just one of those things is to invite eventual disaster. But that does not mean YOU have to physically do each of them yourself. In fact, doing them all yourself is a very expensive way to foolishly spend money.
There are DOLLAR PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES. And then there is everything else.
There are only two types of activities which can not ever be delegated. Just two. Lead generation (not lead conversion, it can) and quality control.
All other actions can be delegated. All of them. You will always make the greatest income if YOU focus on Led Generation and delegate the rest.
The first thing to get rid of is the $15 an hour stuff. Your time spent on lead gen is worth at least $200 an hour. You doing $15 an hour work costs you $185 an hour for you to do it.
And get over the (false) idea that customers only want you. They want a certain result. Not “you”.
This is done on a gradient. First get rid of $15 an hour work. And get a life in the process too.