Archive for August, 2009

How Many Problems Can You Handle At The Same Time?

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Too Many Problems

At any given time we all have a limit.  That limit varies depending on a number of factors: the nature of the problems, the emotion tied to the problems, how far down into "seriousness" one is, even how well rested or hungry one is at the time.  Bottom line, it becomes too much when there is more external push against self than there is left of self to push back.

I’m really not interested in proselytizing but I ran across this little gem the other night and I saw so much potential for anyone who could understand it that I wanted to share it.

The rationality of the mind depends upon an optimum reaction toward time.

DEFINITION: Sanity, the computation of futures.

DEFINITION: Neurotic, the computation of present time only.

DEFINITION: Psychotic, computation only of past situations.

So when a person is handling situations and problems quite well they have their attention mainly on the future.  They are happily creating a future which they can clearly see – and they are making that future they see a reality.

Down from that is the person who is "working in the present".  This is usually thought of as good and very pro-survival but is factually in the neurotic category, not unlike a rat in a maze.  Handling an escrow can fall into this category.  One’s attention is thoroughly stuck in the present and they can not see much of a future, as handling now is such a struggle.  Like an air traffic controller, they can not take their eyes off of the screen.

Way down scale, stuck on the past, is the person who can not visualize a future or even really see much of the present.  Fact is, we have all been – each and every one of us – in each of these three states with regard to different subjects at one time or another.  I am reminded of a truly beautiful quote from Winston Churchill, "If you are going through hell, keep going."

Where were you going before the excreta hit the rotor?  What was it you wanted in the first place?

Survival pertains only to the future.

COROLLARY: Succumb pertains only to the present and past.

If you can again see what it was you wanted – even if you can only see it dimly at first – keep looking there.  What were your goals?  What was it that seemed so delightful, that just thinking about it made you feel better?  How would life be if you had that now?  That is where to put your attention to get out of the mess.

An individual is as happy as he can perceive survival potentials in the future.

Smily Face

Foreclosures Surge?

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

This was just now posted on AzCentral with the headline, "Foreclosures surged in July.  This is what passes for "reporting" by most media about the real estate market.  June foreclosures were 5,149.  July’s numbers (per the article) were 5,316.  A difference of 167 foreclosures or 3.24%.  And that is being called a "surge".marketStats

I wonder if anyone’s paycheck went up at an annual rate of 3.24% they would ever consider it a surge?

This isn’t to suggest that the number of foreclosures going up is ever a good thing – just that reading past the headlines and actually looking at the numbers might shed a bit of light on the subject.

If anyone cared to truly examine some relevant market statistics for the Greater Phoenix area here are a couple I personally find quite interesting: The current "success rate" for all listings in ARMLS is 64.8%.  You can see that (along with some other very interesting numbers) here.  But since most of the sales occurring are lender owned properties, that number doesn’t mean too much to me.  Let’s break it down.

Scroll down on this page and you will see the breakdown, based on types of listings.  The success rate (percent of all listings of that type that sell) for lender owned is 91.4%.  Not very surprising – at least not in our market.  But look at the comparison between "normal listings" and short sales.  The numbers are almost the same!  Normal listings success rate is 50.2% and short sales success rate is 49.4%.

I know, I know, the normal listings stat surged way ahead. 🙂

I Hate Most Every Sales Pitch And Most Salespeople But Make My Living Selling

Monday, August 3rd, 2009


It’s true.  I really don’t like salespeople, I don’t like to listen to a sales pitch and anytime someone says, "I just need twenty minutes in person to explain it to you", I already know in advance that whatever it is I don’t want it.  And, for sure,  I don’t want to listen to them explain it to me.

It is also true that I have made my living on straight commission since I was 17.  I have not had a "job" or worked for wages, I’ve lived on commissions all these years.  Several times over the years people who wanted to get me to sit still for a sales pitch so they could give me a "briefing" or "enlighten me" have pointed out that my attitude on this subject would harm by business.  I don’t think so.  In fact, I believe my attitude has helped my business.

Once I am interested in buying something I do want information: whatever facts and data I might consider important.  But notice it is whatever facts and data I might consider important.  I don’t want to be "rushed".  I want to take my time.  That amount of time might only be a few seconds, but still – I want to make my decision based on my time schedule not the schedule of someone else who needs to move things along.  I don’t want to allow someone else to fixate my attention and then evaluate the relative importance of all the various "facts" for me.  That’s my job.

The person who "only needs twenty minutes" wants to attempt to evaluate – for me – the relative importance of various data and then try to tell me what to think.  All for my own good, of course.  No thanks.  I just want the facts, all of the relevant facts and then it is my job to decide which facts are important and which ones are not so important.  To me.  Those last two words are the key.  To me.  Which facts are important to me?

I believe it is the same, most of the time, with our buyers and sellers.  In most cases we wouldn’t even be talking to them for very long if they weren’t interested in buying or selling real estate (I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t, anyway).  My job is to make sure they have all of the relevant data.  It is up to them to decide which of those data are "important".  Is it a two-story home?  Single level?  Does it have a swimming pool?  How close is the school?  How much is the house?  How much have other homes nearby sold for?  Will I evaluate those last two for them?  Absolutely.  But it is still up to them to decide if it is the home for them or – if a seller – the offer is acceptable.

There are lots of examples of this but really, I want to treat them the way I would like to be treated.  The way you would like to be treated.