If you are a working Realtor and want to “give yourself a raise” this short post is for you.
There are many many “things which must be done” in your business. Many. To skip just one of those things is to invite eventual disaster. But that does not mean YOU have to physically do each of them yourself. In fact, doing them all yourself is a very expensive way to foolishly spend money.
There are DOLLAR PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES. And then there is everything else.
There are only two types of activities which can not ever be delegated. Just two. Lead generation (not lead conversion, it can) and quality control.
All other actions can be delegated. All of them. You will always make the greatest income if YOU focus on Led Generation and delegate the rest.
The first thing to get rid of is the $15 an hour stuff. Your time spent on lead gen is worth at least $200 an hour. You doing $15 an hour work costs you $185 an hour for you to do it.
And get over the (false) idea that customers only want you. They want a certain result. Not “you”.
This is done on a gradient. First get rid of $15 an hour work. And get a life in the process too.